Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Clan Dictionary

Crowfood: Rotten food
Dirtplace: A place cats go to do their business
Fox Dung: An insult; stronger offence then mouse-dung.
Fresh-kill: Recently killed prey
Gathering: A meeting the Clans hold in peace every full moon.
Greencough: Severe chest infection which can be fatal.
Greenleaf: Summer
Greenleaf Twolegplace: A place Twolegs visit only in the summer, for example a campsite.
Halfbridge: A dock
Horseplace: Fields and stables where horses live
Housefolk: A house-cat's word for its humans
Leaf-bare: Winter
Leaf-fall: Autumn/Fall
Loner: A cat that lives peacefully on its own and doesn't defend its territory
Monster: Human machines like cars
Moon-high: When the moon is at its highest
Mouse-bile: A liquid that smells very bad and is used to get rid of ticks.
Mouse-brain: An insult, not very smart.
Mouse-dung: An insult, stronger then mouse-brain but less offensive then fox-dung
Newleaf: Spring
NoFurs: Another word for humans
One Moon: one month (quarter moon=one week, half-moon=two weeks)
Rogue: A potentially hostile cat that always travels to different places
Sharing Tongues: The word cats use when they are grooming each other
Silverpelt: The Milky Way
Sun-drown-place: A beach
Sunhigh: noon
Thunderpath: A road
Tree-eater: A bulldozer
Twolegs: The Clan's word for humans
Twoleg nest: A human house
Twoleg Place: A human town
Upwalkers: Another word for humans
Whitecough: Mild chest infection

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